Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If only we believe in yourself

What is it with ourselves? why do we let the adversary take hold of our deepest thoughts and feelings? This is why he has a job.

There would not be the bitter sweet that we can see & touch. But, most of all FEEL that the Lord has been giving us the love that we have to see what it is he has in store for each of us.

This is what we say is being lucky. but this is not what our Lord & Savior had planned for us. Luck had nothing to do with this. It is our own way of showing our Savior that we truly love him. The power of heaven comes down on us like "luck" with the Angels right beside us.

We can truly DO, SAY, & SHOW, others the great love that our Lord has for each of us. This is what true "luck" is. The spirit whispers this to us when we see this "luck". We will see the charity, that pure love of Christ. Aren't we lucky? I should say, aren't we blessed.


Cousin Power said...

Dad always says, "Luck is when opportunity meets preparation."

Anonymous said...

We are all very lucky. I pray that I will be able to see or recognize that luck or those blessings each day. I know there are more that he has blessed me with that I am too busy to notice. I love you and hope you have a great day.