Monday, June 2, 2008

going back?? new ending!!

what are we doing here starting a new time of life working on the this that are most important our own life what is it going to be said when we have moved on?? the Lord has told us that is we change and endure to the end we will have eternal life cant go change what has happen!! we can change the ending we are writing the ending is like our legace to our children


Sabrina said...

I like that, especially the part about the legacy for our children! How true that is!

Shelbi Whittaker said...

Paul, I dont know if you remember me or not, but Im Evi and Wendi Halls little sister, Shelbi. I found your blog through Shelley's. Just wanted to say hi.

Dan and Wendi Roberts said...

Hey Paul, I'm glad you left a comment on my blog. How the heck are ya?!? I am glad to hear that you are still around, that's always a good thing right? I'll have to add your blog to my list of people I spy on so I can keep tabs on you. I hope things are going well for you. Stay out of trouble! Ü Wendi (Hall) Roberts