Sunday, March 23, 2008

What's most important in the world today?

Here is an example of what is most important to me. My family. This is a photo of my parents and brothers and sisters. Just because I love them all dearly doesn't mean that these knuckleheads haven't given me a run for my money over the years! The beauty of family, though, is that through thick and thin, I wouldn't trade them for anything. They are what formed who I am. They are what help pull me through my trials and hardships. They are what I look forward to on the other side.

more to come....pb


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you figured out how to do it. I look forward to seeing more posts. I love you TONS!!!!!!!!!!

Cousin Power said...

Hey, your blog looks good!!!!
Keep up the good work.
Go to the cousin power blog and let your kids see our message.
Love you!!!!!!